Inspiration: Spring Summer 18
6:00 a.m. Houston.
Driving north on I45.
Sun touching the pines.
Lighting up all 67ft of Sam Houston.
Exit to Trinity on 19.
7:18 a.m. Riverside.
Pull over at Dee Dee's Coffee and Donuts.
Light up a smoke.
Breathe in the sweet east Texas air.
Past Jimmy's Autos, rust red ghosts still in the yard.
7:44 a.m. Lovelady.
Watertower watches over the empty tracks.
Talking Heads.
Wild Wild Life.
No Lions on the football field today.

David Byrne in True Stories (1986)
7:58 a.m. Crockett.
Paradise in the pines.
Cross the East Loop.
Drop down the rise.
Park in the lot at Earls.

Visiting Earl's is a trip.
The archive of fits and deadstock always serves as the starting point for Stan Ray collections, but the journey to Crockett throws up inspirations of other kinds.
For SS18, Talking Heads provided an Art Pop soundtrack with Wild Wild Life and Radio Head from the album/movie True Stories. Bright whites and pastel tones from the 80s flashing through decades.
Don Goodman in True Stories (1986)
Stan Ray SS18 pastel overdyes
The journey through East Texas from Houston, the rusted out Ranchero in front of Jimmy's Auto, late night neon signs felt like walking through a scene from Wim Wenders Paris, Texas. Feelings of homecoming, romantic nostalgia and wide open space in the big country.
Paris, Texas - directed by Wim Wenders (1984)
Paris, Texas (1984)

Jet lag induced sleep deprivation, rum and humid motel rooms sent us into Hunter S Gonzo stream conscious dialog of Batik, khaki and bat country.
SS18 is a trip... through Texas.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)

Driving north on I45.
Sun touching the pines.
Lighting up all 67ft of Sam Houston.
Exit to Trinity on 19.
7:18 a.m. Riverside.
Pull over at Dee Dee's Coffee and Donuts.
Light up a smoke.
Breathe in the sweet east Texas air.
Past Jimmy's Autos, rust red ghosts still in the yard.
7:44 a.m. Lovelady.
Watertower watches over the empty tracks.
Talking Heads.
Wild Wild Life.
No Lions on the football field today.

7:58 a.m. Crockett.
Paradise in the pines.
Cross the East Loop.
Drop down the rise.
Park in the lot at Earls.

Visiting Earl's is a trip.
The archive of fits and deadstock always serves as the starting point for Stan Ray collections, but the journey to Crockett throws up inspirations of other kinds.
For SS18, Talking Heads provided an Art Pop soundtrack with Wild Wild Life and Radio Head from the album/movie True Stories. Bright whites and pastel tones from the 80s flashing through decades.

The journey through East Texas from Houston, the rusted out Ranchero in front of Jimmy's Auto, late night neon signs felt like walking through a scene from Wim Wenders Paris, Texas. Feelings of homecoming, romantic nostalgia and wide open space in the big country.

Jet lag induced sleep deprivation, rum and humid motel rooms sent us into Hunter S Gonzo stream conscious dialog of Batik, khaki and bat country.
SS18 is a trip... through Texas.